Thursday, 27 April 2006


For a change, I read a book BEFORE everyone's hearing of it.

The book in question? 'Opal Mehta'.

Not having read the book which the author has supposedly plagiarised from, I still think far too much is being made of the whole issue.

If you think she's copied, don't buy her book.. Your dollars won't be added to her burgeoning millions.

But, should Harvard even be thinking of ticking her off for this?

If you're Ivy League, and your reputation is the base of all you have, and you've encashed it mightily all these years... I suppose all this trivia would matter.

Wednesday, 26 April 2006

Landmark Day!

Landmark's first Bombay branch opens today.

And it is half a kilometre away from my house. <Gloat> <Gloat>

Which means 2 things:
1) I will now be found residing there almost permanently
2) Landmark Quiz in Bombay soon!!! (Dare I hope for one next year?)

Great books and great quizzing <Grin> <Grin> :)