Monday, 14 April 2008


April - May is one's favourite time of the year, largely for a single reason: Mangoes -- specifially alphonso mangoes ( Bombay roots showing, obviously!).

As far as one is concerned, a mango is more than just a fruit. It symbolises carefree summer vacations, fun with cousins, and a million happy memories of occasions spent devouring it in all possible forms. Seriously...if sunshine had a taste, one suspects it'd be somewhat like a mango's. If happiness had a texture, it couldn't have been too different from that supple goldeny-orangey flesh. If bliss had a smell..... Gaah!

And one is waxing lyrical over them, because one is likely to miss having one's annual fix... being in Tuscany this season.

Ah well. One will read about them and drool.

Mind the wet floor.

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