Tuesday, 2 September 2008

Am I still a vegetarian?

Serves me right for not reading ingredient lists more closely.

Today, I just felt like having a Piadina Romagnola ( a roti-like bread from the Emilia Romagna region in Italy), so I went off to the supermarket to buy some.

I've never bought any in the past, though I certainly have eaten the odd piadina at friends' homes (my friends eat these every day -- simpler than making rotis, certainly). Anyway. One of the brands in the supermarket had ingredients listed in English too, and one of the ingredients was -- lard (called 'strutto', or 'strutto di suino' -- swine's lard -- in Italian).

Swine. i.e. pig. Sheesh!

While I'm not exactly throwing up (what's done, is done after all), it makes me wonder how many other times I have consumed something non-vegetarian unknowingly. And whether I am technically a vegetarian any more.

Must certainly read ingredient lists more carefully from now on!


Deepali said...

Hahah don't worry it happens to a lot of people. My sis and/or me have to end up eating some kind of meat by mistake every time we are in HK.

Hanisha said...


No wonder in most parts of India (certainly not in Sind, I'm sure) earlier they used to consider you an outcaste if you travelled abroad.

Thankfully at least I am a vegetarian only out of habit and pure inertia :)