Friday, 21 November 2008

This is Earth. You know that, right?

It's bad enough if you tell me that you know of nothing else to see in Paris except the Eiffel.

Then you go on to insult years of education you received at the hands of, hopefully, competent teachers by claiming to have never heard of the French revolution, or Marie Antoinette.

You haven't heard of the Louvre. The lesser said of Orsay or Georges Pompidou or Orangerie, the better.

And need I even mention the Renaissance to you, if you have the gall to ask 'Florence means what?' in that ridiculous accent?

You, who have dared enter this charming town without having let the hallowed name of Galileo enter your sphere of existence.

May I ask you just one thing?

What well were you hiding in, for however long you claim to have existed?